MTDGSAM is being distributed in a compressed format. If the files are obtained using FTP, make sure to use a binary file transfer, that is, issue a 'binary' command before the 'get' command. If you have trouble with the file transfers please contact your local computer expert. To decompress the files obtain a copy of MTGSAM.EXE and execute that file. Several files will be created in the subdirectory containing the MTGSAM.EXE file. The files included are: CHANGES Changes to the program over time (bug fixes!) MSTIME.FOR Microsoft Powerstation timing routines GSPARAM.FOR parameter file MTGSSUB.FOR general purpose subroutines MTGSRSUB.FOR subroutines used by only mtgsrun MTGSNRM.FOR relationship matrix program MTGSPREP.FOR data preparation program MTGSRUN.FOR Gibbs sampling program COMPILE.BAT batch file for compile with MS Powerstation using make file MTGSAM.MAK make file for optimized compiling COMP_DB.BAT batch file for debug compile with MS Powerstation using make file DBMTGSAM.MAK make file for debug compiling RS6KTIME.FOR subroutine for RS/6000 timings (returns zeros) RS6KSET.SCR script for setup on RS/6000 - mainly rename files RS6KCOMP.SCR script for plain vanilla compile on RS/6000 Please make sure to let us know if you are using the program. This can be done in several ways. Fill out the user information form on the world wide web home page or to fill out and mail or e-mail the userinfo.txt file. This file can be FTP'ed fromt he home page (if your browser does not support forms or mailto) or on the distribution diskette. The information provided will be used to contact users for upgrade or bug information. The program has been developed and tested using Microsoft Fortran Powerstation. The source code is intended to be portable. The code has been successfully tested on an RS/6000 (although when compiled using the optional preprocessor the programs produced incorrect results). Users of other compilers should modify the two subroutines in the MSTIME.FOR file to call the appropriate system-dependent time and date routines. These subroutines can be modified to return zeros if time and date information is unavailable. The programs do not yet return much timing information. It may be added in later releases. Lines of code used for debugging are commented with D in column one rather than C because the Microsoft and RS/6000 compilers allow selective compiling of those lines (/4ccD and -D for Microsoft and xlf compilers, respectively, to compile the debug lines). If your compiler will not compile with those comments, some lines will need to be changed. To install the programs, first create a subdirectory for installation of the MTGSAM program files. This subdirectory should be the "active" subdirectory for that drive - i.e., when you chose that drive from DOS, that subdirectory should be the current one. Finally to install the programs change to the diskette drive containing the programs (e.g., A:) and type: mtgsam x: , where x is the drive (often C) you want to install the program files. A set of commands that will install the MTGSAM programs in subdirectory MTGSAM on drive C from diskette drive A is: C: MD \MTGSAM CD \MTGSAM A: MTGSAM C: The subdirectory can be named with any valid DOS subdirectory name, MTGSAM is used only as an example. If your hard drive is something other than C:, or diskette drive with the MTGSAM.EXE file is not A:, make the appropriate changes to the above commands. The subdirectory will contain two batch files, compile.bat and comp_db.bat. The compile.bat file compiles the main programs using optimization and should be used when doing production runs. The comp_db.bat file should be used when debugging the programs if a problem is discovered or if changes have been made to the program. The debug options will catch common problems like array subscripts our of bounds, division by zero, etc. To use the batch files issue the command compile (comp_db) to compile and link the components necessary for all executables. Use the command compile (comp_db) followed by nrm, prep, or run to generate the updated MTGSNRM.EXE, MTGSPREP.EXE, or MTGSRUN.EXE, respectively. For more information about using make files see the Powerstation user's guide. For non-PC systems, it is easiest to install the programs to a PC temporarily and then move the files to the system where they will be run. For users without access to a PC, the files are compressed using PKZIP 2.04g. For users running on RS/6000 systems, two script files are included, rs6kset.scr and rs6kcomp.scr. The first contains setup commands, which are mainly renaming the Fortran programs with .f file extensions. The rs6kcomp.scr compiles the programs to create mtgsnrm.exe, mtgsprep.exe, and mtgsrun.exe. The timing routines are contained in rs6ktime.for. This subroutine returns zeros for all timing calls. The manual is available electronically in several formats. All versions of the manual are available as self-extracting compressed files. Files should be transferred using a binary file transfer in the FTP software. The original WordPerfect for Windows 6.1 file is available as GSMWP.EXE from the FTP or WWW site. Execute the program to create the WordPerfect file. To print this file, the computer must have the fonts MTEXTRA and FENCES installed. This will be the case if the Mathtype equation editor is installed (the equation editor used to generate the manual). The same fonts are installed by the equation editor that is included with Microsoft Word or Microsoft Powerpoint (the equation editor is a simplified version of the Mathtype editor). If those fonts are not available, many of the equations will be printed incorrectly. If a Hewlett Packard LaserJet Series II compatible printer is available, the manual can be printed using PCL (printer contol language) files. These files are available in GSMPCL.EXE. Execute the program to create the PCL files. There will be several files of the form gsmxxyy.pcl where xx is the starting page and yy is the ending page included in that file. There is also a batch file, printpcl.bat which will print all of the pages of the manual. The batch file assumes that the printer is attached to lpt1 (the first parallel port); if that is not the case, the file will need to be modified. The form of the command to print each of the files is copy /b gsmxxyy.pcl lpt1. The /b flag must be included for the printing to be successful. Finally, if a postscript printer is available, the manual can be printed from EPS (encapsulated postscript) files. These files are available as GSMEPS.EXE. Execute the program to create the EPS files. There will be several files of the form gsmxxyy.eps where xx is the starting page and yy is the ending page included in that file. There is also a batch file, printeps.bat which will print all of the pages of the manual. The batch file assumes that the printer is attached to lpt1 (the first parallel port); if that is not the case, the file will need to be modified. The form of the command to print each of the files is: copy /b gsmxxyy.eps lpt1. The /b flag must be included for the printing to be successful.